Monday, 30 August 2010

Well I'm just throwing this up here because I figured I should add something. I've been thinking on Shade and I wanted to give her some gauntlets. The ones on the left were some prototypes that I was thinking of using but in the end, I created a new design on my computer at home that I was really happy with and that's what she's wearing right now. Also, new clothes! She's a sexy beast, isn't she? Also also, from now on I'll have her keep her one eye open. I'm going to be messing around with colors and styles so I'll post something up to that effect as well and get a census of what you guys think.


  1. It all depends on how you want the gauntlets to function, protection or offensives? And how your visualising Shade using it? Without giving away too much lol.

  2. This time around I'm just basing it off of form rather than function. So I'm just looking for pure aesthetics atm.

  3. So be sure to make it look really really pretty. lol
