Monday 29 October 2012

Updated: A little help?

I'm trying to make something dynamic but since I have no practice in the matter, I decided to post the WIP here and see if I can't get some feedback. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make it more dynamic. It's supposed to be Shade but I haven't added in her obvious details yet. Help me out guys!

 Updated. Drew the face and worked more on the pose. I'm hoping this gives it a better feel. Still looking for any suggestions.


  1. What do you mean "dynamic" exactly? o.O

    1. Forced perspective to be precise. It's something I want to do more of but I only really know how to think of the body in practical dimensions and working against that just goes against my nature.

  2. Well the way she's drawn right now, she just looks really trippy lol No offense meant. But you mean you want to bring like more dimension to your drawings?

    1. Well it was a quick sketch to try and get the body down right. Like I said, I have no real practice with making things dynamic and really pushing perspective. Right now I have two lines of action and I'm still playing with it, seeing if one would be better or not. I'm not sure if I should make her head bigger and have more of her face obscured by her arm or not. Do I move the face up more? I think I'm going to have to push her chin out and erase the jaw line. I'm wondering if there are any small details I could add to make her seem like she's pushing her body more. The shoulders may still be too relaxed and I may have to widen them some more. I don't know how to make her look like she's really cranking her neck. Her whole body needs to feel like she's putting all her weight into the coming swing. I want weight, motion and speed.

      I'm too practical a thinker to just draw!!!

  3. I remember back in high school, my assignment was to copy a painting of a house. But the house was at an angle, so despite the fact I thought, oh this is easy when I picked it, it was hard. My art teacher showed me a trick through. You pick the focus of the perspective, and you draw out lines stemming from that area of perspective, and those are your reference lines. you know what I'm saying? I should probably show you a picture so it makes sense. Drawing from a perspective is hard >->
